Oct 17, 2010

What would I do if I got pregnant

Well. Last time I got pregnant I was pretty happy. So was my partner. He was elated lol. I wasn't too pleased with the morning sickness.

What would I do if I got pregnant again? I would order him home. And just like that he'd pack up and be home. I'm sure of it. Why? Because last time I was pregnant I went thru much of it without him by my side and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. You neeeeeeed someone to be at your beck and call when you're pregnant. I told him I would never go thru it alone again and he promised me I wouldn't have to. And I won't. If his ass can't come home I'm putting myself on a plane.

I just remembered that I haven't blogged about muchkins birth story here. I still remember it vividly. I'll do that soon.

The next one will be planned. I am extra careful this time around teehee. The next one will come when he's home and settled and we share the same last name. Not before. Or till Will Smith decides he's tired of Jada and wants a spicy Jamaican baby, whichever comes first :)

1 comment:

  1. i know that i will be ready when pregnancy comes. i'll be all geared up for it because it's a huge deal and i have the luxury of having more than enough people whose opinion i trust to know the right way to approach the process.



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