Oct 17, 2010

Something I love about myself.

I feel like I've already written about this and writing about myself is not my most favourite thing to do. I do want to take a minute to reinforce my positive nature tho.

When you run a personal blog there will always be those people who wait with bated breath for your next post so that they can "faas" in your business and take shots at you.

They read a few words and they think they know your whole life and what you're about. They think they're getting ammo on you, maybe they want to copy you, obviously they want what you have. I've never gotten the reason behind that. I mean if you don't like a person why invest time reading their blog? I currently have 36 blogs on my reader and its because I think they're funny, entertaining, interesting...there's something there to make me keep coming back! You won't however find me checking up on someone's blog so I can tweet, facebook, labrish and chat about what I don't know. #wheretheydothatat ?? What the hell do people know about me and my lifestyle and the examples I set for my kid? People really love to stay behind computer screens and talk sh*t but don't try to get outta pocket with me, I am not the one.

I am not going to be one of those people who speak constantly about "haters." I loathe that word so much. Its fake and disgusting and I unfollow with a quickness people on twitter who tweet all day about their haters and all manner of negativity. I definitely won't fall onto that path. As draining as people "hating" on you is, constantly acknowledging said "haters" is twice that. With that said, I give you no more shine. What you're trying to accomplish will not work anyway. Me and my family are happy and will be A-ok. Enjoy your time, I wish you well on whatever it is you're trying to gain by shadowing me.

So, what's something I love about myself? I am a classy lady.

Now get the f*ck of my lawn! 

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I hate the "haters" thing too. I think people love to use that word just because it makes them feel important. The truth is, very few actually care that much. Keep on being positive :-) I'm trying to do the same.



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