First, let me apologize for my lack of posts recently. I have been experiencing internet issues that will be resolved in time for a gaggle of new posts starting next week!
Secondly. Finally a new post but sadly, on a very serious issue. I know you come here for fun and fashion but I have to take a minute and speak a little about what's going on.
Its no secret that Jamaica is plagued with crime and violence more so than a lot of our other Caribbean neighbours, and this has been so for a while. I grew up in a violent community that went under "lock-down" and curfews quite often. I have heard men on my roof and gunshots in my yard. Yet I have never feared so much as I do right now. Maybe its because I now have my own daughter to worry about. Maybe its because of the callousness and the thoughtless ways in which murders are happening all around me. I fear my own country as we have an aggression that I am not used to. These monsters put absolutely no value on human life and I live my life trying my best not to cross or upset. I hold my little girl in my arms wondering if I will live to see the day when she holds her own child in hers. I wonder if she herself will live that long. These thoughts bring tears to my eyes on a daily basis.
I have never lived my life in such fear. I am used to going out to party and coming home at all hours of the morning. I have never been like this before. But tales of throat slashings and child killings are far too often in such a small, beautiful country. What can I do? How can I help my country? I have no clue where to start and honestly sometimes I think of just running away. But where would I run to? Where in the world doesn't have these tales? I want to stay and help, does that mean I am signing up to become a martyr? I would for my country, but I wouldnt for my daughter. If it means leaving, I will. Because I want the best for her. And I don't want us to cower in fear. Jamaica, I love you, but you are wearing me down. I am willing to do my part...but honestly I dont know what exactly that is anymore and I am open to suggestions.
As with all things celebrity, the recent shooting of Oniel Edwards, member of popular dancehall group Voicemail, has sparked a myriad of the entertainment industry. Will anything happen? These are the people who can help effect change. I pray that they will. I pray that they stick it out and come together to stamp out the violence that is wrecking this beautiful place and that this won't die down and be forgotten in weeks to come.
I hear you. The situation was always dire but recent activity within the entertainment industry have brought it to the forefront. I've lived abroad for the better part of 10 years now and had always resolved to retire in Jamaica when that time comes. The way things are right now have seriously called those plans into question. I love Jamaica, the best parts of my life were experienced there. But if this is what life in Jamaica has come to then its time to make a decision, especially when the crime is deep-seeded in politics. That, in my opinion, tells me there's little to no hope.
ReplyDeleteHey Irie Diva; This very topic haunts me every single day as well. When I was finishing up with school, I was thinking very seriously about restarting my life in Jamaica around (2003-2005)...As the issues of violence and lack of opportunity continues to grow, I have been less inclined. However, the only way to overcome these issues has to begin with opportunity and positive mentorship. We as the new generation of Jamaican Leaders must find our own way to do something small but relevant. However, more importantly...we have to impact individual lives and be consistent in that effort. I'm learning from my parents example on two fronts: Business & Non-Profit endeavors...I plan on making a difference very soon.
ReplyDeleteHello Diva
ReplyDeletefor that very reason I don't think I can "come back"
my parents brought us here without a doubt they would return but one thing led to another and here we are. . .
it was once my dream that I would go back "home" and I have held out on applying for citizenship on that principle alone
but I've finally broken down. . . I don't think I would last a week out there.
It is too sad because this very thing will just perpetuate the violence. . . the people who are able to leave readily or will not come back are likely well-educated professionals that are desperately needed. Their absence hurts the country but how can they help if people are ready to kill them at the drop of a hat!
I can't argue with your reasoning Diva. Blessings in whatever you decide.