May 21, 2010

Single and dating with a kid in the city

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With one of my favourite movies (Sex and the City) coming out soon I got to thinking about how people always knock it for the old ass women in the movie still out acting young and doing young things. I looked at myself wondering if I would one day end up in the same boat.

As we love to do, I threw another twist in the plot. I added a kid. I didn't plan it this way, none of the 78million (off the top of my head, sounds about right) single mothers did I'm sure. I too thought that my partner had my back and truly cared about my well-being as well as the kid's. Hmmm. Ok so it was just the kid' bad. But I choose not to be bitter about mine. No baby-mama drama thisa way. So back out in the dating world I go. It does pain my spirit to have to be doing young girl thangs when I would really rather be planning sunday dinner and saturday's family outing but goes on.

So...single mothers please weigh in. When is the right time to venture out again? How do you do this now that you have a kid? I'm sooooo over the club scene. Where do people go to meet and mingle, that doesn't involve dark lights, loud, rude ass music and obnoxious men.

How was the relationship with you and your ex when you first started going out again? I can't say I care much about what he thinks but at some point I'm sure it will be best for us to have some kind of friendship for the sake of the youngin...I'd just much rather move on and forget he even exists right now. You gotta heal before you revisit the scene of the crime or you'll be tempted to jump back in right....

Sigh...we surround ourselves with so many damn issues...


  1. You sound like my bestie coincidentally named Monique, she has a year old beauty herself, and has little or no relationship with her baby's father. Don't worry hon, the picks for us single childless gals are just as slim as yours.. But strangely, I get ur point..

  2. know this is one thing I struggle with. Here I am with an 18 month old son and I just started dating about 4 months ago. Who I met was met through friends cause I have not really been going out. start dating when your comfortable with leaving baby with babysitter, and make sure your ready to put up with shit from guys who claim to be intrested.



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