Jun 1, 2010

How much do you spend on shoes?


These..maybe a kidney...ok take 'em both! (i.e. $2795)

Anyway, I asked you how much you spent on clothes recently, and the answers were pretty moderate. Like myself, most you you guys aren't throwing down the big bucks on dresses and such. But what about shoes? We all know a shoe makes an outfit...I expect that most of us may be willing to shell out a little more for a banging shoe. Am I right? In local dollars, I've never spent more than about JA$4000 on a pair of shoes but once I'm abroad the US$ just seems like an easier spend...or maybe the shoes are prettier. :D I was cruising Amazon over the weekend looking for shoe inspirations to match a certain floral dress that I wanted to wear. I could have of course gone with silver but I thought to explore my options. It occurred to me that I don't own a pair of nude pumps which would have gone perfectly with my dress!

Qupid VALTINA-01 Platform Pumps TAUPE These are $49.95 Worth it?

BCBGeneration Women's Holmy High Heel PumpThese are BCBG...more my shade of nude and run around $99...worth it? I would probably buy them. They look SEXY. Its hard to find a good pair of pumps, don't it? You can compare them with the lighter ones and see. I like the cut much better, the heel is not as high and there's still a hidden platform for added comfort...yeah man this shoe has a lot going for it. But thats almost JA$9000! wooooow sounds like a lot to a pauper like myself...

Pumps would have been too heavy for my floral dress tho...These sandals would've probably made the cut:

Carlos by Carlos Santana Women's Nemesis Platform Sandal $49.99

Carlos by Carlos Santana Women's Calico Pump and these, even better at only $33.79 (click to see the nude colour)

What about these?


These are only $30 bucks...cute pair of shoes...I'd totally buy them...but you can see the difference right off the bat...not leather, looks very rigid, like it would hurt the hell outta my feet and who knows how long it will last? But then how long do I want to hang on to a pair f orange pumps...

So...where do you fall on the scale...how much would you spend on a pair of shoes? Or are you ballin' outta control in these zanottis that retail for $500 and totally out of Irie Diva's league??? Let a sista know!

Giuseppe Zanotti Open Toe Platform Sling Back Pumps


  1. Financially I'm not where I was 5 years ago. So if I spend $100.00 on a pair of shoes, then they are going to be well made. Also the shoe would NOT be a trendy shoe, but something that will be in style for years more traditional.

    I think the BCBG pair is better made than the "nude" pair. I'm not sure that the nude pair is worth $49.00 after looking at how they are made.

    Right now I'm not really spending anything on shoes, but every once in awhile there is that pair I just can't pass up. I do try to catch sales, and it depends on whether they are sandals or shoes or boots as to how much I'm going to spend. Thanks for the eye candy though. :-)

  2. that nude business is a little problematic. . .so many shades of nude amongst black folks. . .where to begin

  3. I love shoes I have a weakness. Last week I bought $300 (US) worth of shoes only to have 2 pairs stolen from me when they were delivered to my apartment and I was out of state. Pissed does not even begin to describe my emotions towards UPS over this. I'm not ballin' but I like a good shoe. I also like a good sale so I wait for things to go on sale or for discount codes or I sample shop.

    The most I'd be willing to spend on a shoe at my current level in life right now is $300 if I'm doing well, on a normal day $190 is generally my cap. I don't usually buy shoes under $70 though. It just never works out that something I want is that cheap you know. I'd be so lucky. lol



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